Ambassador Program Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Last updated August 16, 2024

This Agreement is between you (“Ambassador”) and us (“FQPS Academy”). This Agreement explains the terms and conditions that apply to your participation in our ambassador program.

Please read this agreement carefully before signing up for the ambassador program. By signing up, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you are not authorised to participate in our ambassador program.

1. Rights Infringement

You may not use FQPS Academy's services to infringe or violate another party’s rights or reputation or do anything that violates the law or harms FQPS Academy or its users.

You may not engage in activities that violate the intellectual property rights of FQPS Academy or any third party or violate any of the applicable laws or regulations.

2. Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Attorney Fees

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom.

In the event of litigation to enforce any provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover from the other party its costs and fees, including reasonable legal fees.

3. Account Termination

FQPS Academy has the right to terminate or suspend your account, forfeiting all the rewards earned through your account, at any time for reasons, including but not limited to the terms outlined in this Agreement:

  • For fraudulent or aggressive marketing methods
  • Spamming, such as mass emails or group posting
  • Unauthorised or fake promotions or offers
  • Activities that breach this Agreement or any of FQPS Academy's policies

4. Payout

Ambassadors will earn a commission on sales generated through their unique ambassador link, based on the following structure:

  • 1st Affiliate: You will receive a £15 bonus along with a 10% commission for your first referral.
  • 5th Affiliate: You will receive another £15 bonus and continue earning a 10% commission.
  • 10th Affiliate: You will receive a £15 bonus, and your commission will increase to 15% for subsequent referrals.
  • 15th Affiliate: You will receive a £15 bonus, and your commission will increase to 18% for all future referrals.

Bonuses are awarded at the 1st, 5th, 10th, and 15th referrals. Commission rates will increase as shown, starting at 10% and progressing to 18% by the 15th referral.

All payouts are calculated monthly. The minimum threshold for payout is £50. Payments will be issued at the end of each month when your current balance reaches £50 or more. If you do not meet the threshold in a given month, the amount will carry over to the following month until the threshold is met.

Self-referrals: Ambassadors are not permitted to use their own referral links to earn commissions on their own purchases or sign-ups. Any attempt to generate self-referrals will result in the forfeiture of commissions for those referrals, and may result in further actions, including account suspension or termination from the ambassador program.

5. Promotions and Offers

You may not use misleading texts or links that imply offers or promotions that do not exist for your ambassador link.

You are not allowed to bid on FQPS Academy promotions, deals, or any phrases that imply offers exist unless explicitly authorised.

You may not use pop-ups, banners, frames, or any other content that sets tracking cookies unless the user gives their explicit consent by clicking a clearly labelled link or button for that offer.

You must ensure that users are able to see accurate promotion information before any tracking cookies are set.

6. Paid Advertisements

Paid Per Click (PPC) bidding is not allowed without prior approval from FQPS Academy.

Please adhere to Google Ads policies or the terms and conditions of any other platform you use for running paid ads.

Ambassadors are not permitted to bid on FQPS Academy's brand keywords or any variants in search engine advertising. When ambassadors bid on our brand keywords, it can result in a loss of traffic for us. You are allowed to run ads that direct to your own website but without using any of our branded keywords.

FQPS Academy is not responsible for any fees, losses, or damages incurred as a result of running ads.

7. Brand Features License

FQPS Academy grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free, revocable right to use FQPS Academy's Brand Features on your website and marketing materials in connection with the Ambassador Program and this Agreement.

FQPS Academy has the right to use and display your corporate or trade name, logo, and service marks as part of our ‘Ambassador Directory’ on our website.

You must not use any of FQPS Academy's Brand Features: (a) in a misleading or disparaging way; (b) outside the scope of the Program or this Agreement; (c) in a way that implies FQPS endorses, sponsors, or approves of your services or products; or (d) in violation of applicable law or in connection with any obscene, indecent, or unlawful material.

8. Content Guidelines

You are encouraged to use the content, media, and resources provided to you to promote the products and services offered by FQPS Academy. However, you are not permitted to modify these materials without prior consent from FQPS Academy. Any use of these materials must include appropriate credits and attributions to FQPS Academy.

You are responsible for ensuring that any content you create or distribute on behalf of FQPS Academy is accurate and up-to-date. You must take reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of the information you provide and to keep it current at all times.

You are prohibited from mentioning or promoting FQPS Academy on any website or platform that contains any form of misleading, fraudulent, defamatory, obscene, violent, illegal, harassing, hateful, or pornographic content. FQPS Academy has sole discretion to determine whether such content is present and to take appropriate action.

9. Responsibilities and Restrictions

You cannot sign up for the Ambassador Program for personal use. Personal use of FQPS Academy's products and services is not covered under the terms of the Program.

You are prohibited from attempting to directly or indirectly sell FQPS Academy products or services to existing customers. Any violation of this provision may result in the termination of your participation in the Ambassador Program.

You are required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and refrain from engaging in any activities that could be considered unfair, deceptive, illegal, overly aggressive, or questionable marketing practices. Any such activities may result in termination of your participation in the Program and may also subject you to legal liability.

You are not permitted to represent or hold yourself out to third parties as anything beyond an Ambassador of FQPS Academy. You may not claim or imply that you are an agent or employee of FQPS Academy or that you have the authority to bind FQPS Academy to a contract. Any such representations or actions may result in the termination of your participation in the Program.

10. Liability

FQPS Academy will not be responsible for any misconduct by ambassadors and the resulting consequences.

FQPS Academy will not be liable for indirect or accidental damages (loss of revenue, rewards) due to issues in tracking, loss of data, or any other results of intent to harm the Program and/or our website(s).

FQPS Academy does not warrant that our Program or website(s) will be error-free. Therefore, FQPS Academy will not be liable for any interruptions or errors.

11. Indemnification

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless FQPS Academy and its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, and agents from any liabilities, damages, fines, judgments, claims, and costs arising out of or related to any and all claims sustained in connection with this Agreement due to your negligence or intentional misconduct.

12. Modification of Terms

FQPS Academy may modify or update this Agreement and other FQPS Academy terms from time to time. We will post the revised terms on this page. If you continue to participate in the FQPS Academy Ambassador Program after we have posted changes to these terms, you agree to the revised terms.

By participating in the FQPS Ambassador Program, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.

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