SQE1 Exam Preparation

Learn the law easily

For tight schedules, part time workers .. FQPS Academy will not stop finding new ways of learning to adapt to everyone.

Listen, Walk and Learn

We embrace Multisensory and Physical Learning, inspired by Orton-Gillingham Academy. Listen to Audio Revisions  and break the intense-reading routine. Listening will allow your brain to reinforce the connections between what you are hearing and what you already know; triggering long term memory.

Perfect for revising while working out or taking a walk.

Fun Fact: Listening to our audiobooks or podcasts while walking can enhance memory and boost brainpower. According to Stanford University, walking increases blood flow to the brain, leading to the release of hormones that promote the connections between existing and new neurons.

FQPS Methodology, 7 Leading Learning Methods Merged into 1.

Audio Materials Covering the whole Syllabus

Our audio materials provide comprehensive coverage of the entire syllabus, including:

The 14 areas of law of the SQE syllabus
Key concepts explained by experts and solicitors
Practical considerations for SQE2

Whether you're learning an area of law for the first time, reviewing key concepts, or preparing for practical applications in SQE2, our audio materials make it easy.

They are designed to enhance your learning experience by offering a convenient and flexible way to study, ensuring you stay on track and fully prepared for your exams.

Our audiobooks, cover EVERYTHING you need to know

Comprehensive and easy-to-understand explanations of all key legal concepts. Learn effortlessly and stay fully prepared for your exams with comprehensive and easy-to-understand explanations.

Audiobooks, Podcasts & Webinars

Interactive Podcasts with their supporting & condensed Guide

Tax law, solicitors' accounts, and more. Some areas of law are easier to understand when explained and applied rather than just read.

Clear Explanations
Lorem ipsum dolor sit Our podcasts break down complex areas of law into simple, understandable terms. Expert insights and practical tips help you apply what you’ve learned and improve your skills effectively. elit consectetur adipiscing vestibulum.
Real-Life Applications
We provide practical examples and applications to help you see how the law works in real-world situations. Dive into interactive podcasts that keeps you engaged from start to finish.
Concise and Practical Guides
Access supporting condensed guides that summarise key legal points, making it easier to review and retain crucial information.
Used and loved by people all over the world

“I would hoped I knew FQPS before, I enrolled with University of Law for SQE1 and had to do all the work. Now that I'm with FQPS for SQE2 it's so easy to revise what I already learn. I love to write down to learn, but their 3 mode of revision card help so much to know what's important to remember.”

Marc J.
SQE1 Preparation

Make sure you will not be surprise on the exam day
