Full SQE preparation comparison:
FQPS Academy Vs QLTS School

Still unsure about enrolling with QLTS? Take the time to compare course providers' offers to find the one that suits you the most.

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What does QLTS have to offer?

Let's discover what QLTS takes pride in providing and what students' reviews reveal about QLTS SQE1 and SQE2 Preparation.

Former expert in converting foreign lawyers to solicitors

QLTS was founded by a group of lawyers back in 2011 and stands for Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme. Before the implementation of the SQE, QLTS specialised in assisting foreign lawyers to qualify as solicitors in England and Wales.
With the replacement of the LPC/GDL by SQE, QLTS transitioned into an SQE course provider.

Flexible SQE Prep: Self-Practice and No Set Enrolment Date

QLTS prep course allows you to study for the SQE in your preferred environment, from home, your office, or on the move, at your own pace. All QLTS content is made available online, which makes it easy to access QLTS courses are designed for candidates who can prepare either full-time or part-time.

Students Find QLTS MCQs Challenging

QLTS students have noted that QLTS's MCQs are at times more challenging than those of the SRA. They praise their SQE1 mock tests for ensuring a smooth experience on the actual exam day.

Law firm focused

QLTS offers a special Training For Law Firms Program making their courses entirely computer-based. They actively advocate for the benefits of dual-qualification to international law firms and institutions, ensuring that their candidates' accomplishments are acknowledged and esteemed in their careers.

We can't wait to see you succeed

Whether you subscribed for SQE1 or SQE2, our mission is to ensure your success. Whether it requires going the extra mile, answering questions at any time, or offering tailored support, you can rely on us.

Unseen and Consistent Mentor Guidance

Your mentor will  monitor your progress, even without you noticing; ensuring you are on track by regularly reviewing your mock results and ensuring you are completing all the steps in your personal study program.

Smart, Unique and personalised Study Program, meet Cleo

Meet Leo, your smart Study Planner, designing a tailored Revision Strategy just for you.
Our smart platform analyses your lifestyle to design a personalised study plan. It adapts and supports you with tips and guidance every step of the way.
Removing the mental burden of managing your SQE schedule will greatly impact your daily life.

Largest Online Resource Library Available 24/7

Gain unlimited access to a plethora of materials, from pre-recorded video lectures to revision cards, podcasts, audio recordings, practice quizzes, mocks, and more. Whether you are on your laptop or mobile device, FQPS has you covered. Stay tuned for the upcoming release of our revision books!

Last but not least: Our SQE prep is the most competitively priced ever.

Our goal is true inclusivity, so we have taken a different approach than our competitors. Our SQE preparations start at just £79 per month, with the flexibility to cancel anytime.

Say goodbye to paying thousands for self-study. You can even invoice your employer for your training.

Enjoy the security of The FQPS Academy SQE Guarantee.

If you failed to pass your SQE1 or SQE2 exam as an FQPS community member, you will receive free training and additional support. If another course provider could not help you pass, you are also covered. You will receive a special 50% discount on all our preparation plans, free upgrade to our premium plans and additional support for free.

How can FQPS elevate your SQE Prep?

FQPS Academy aims to offer students a superior experience through exceptional guidance and excellence.

SQE1 Mocks are challenging but effective.

QLTS is praised for its rigorous mock tests, sometimes considered even more challenging than the actual exam. This ensures that learners effectively prepare for the exam day, although the added complexity in mock materials might cause undue stress.

The textbooks are thorough but unpopular for being verbose and containing occasional typos, suggesting a need for selective reading.

QLTS: Vast Resources, Little to No Feedback

QLTS' pricing policy leaves many wondering. Prices start at £1,990, with the most popular plan being the Advantage Plan for £2,490. However, you will not receive a single tutoring hour for that price. For £2,990, you will receive a total of two hours.

Getting continuous feedback from qualified solicitors is vital for effective progression. This is especially true for SQE2, where your Practical Legal Skills will be assessed. You cannot learn practice with online theory alone, and as a student, you do not have the experience to self-assess your performance.

-- In the end, QLTS is what it says it is: a vast online resource for SQE prep, best suited for already qualified lawyers. --

A designated mentor dedicated
to your success!

At FQPS, education thrives on feedback, encouragement, and personalised support. Each student is paired with a dedicated tutor who has successfully passed the SQE. We pride ourselves on providing unlimited human feedback, especially with SQE2, where it is about skills not theory.

You will be offered support and feedback on your performance until you pass. Success should not be hindered by a lack of support or unreasonable prices—our prices start at £79.

We can't wait to see you succeed.

Get to know your future designated mentor

Complete SQE1 and SQE2 Prep
Offer Comparaison

We want to give an honest and trust worthy review of all features provided by QLTS and FQPS Academy. This informations can be fund from each course providers websites.

FQPS Academy
From £79/month
From £1,990
Study Plan
Cancel Anytime
Not refundable
5200 SRA-like MCQs
5 Complete FLK1&2 Mock /month
5 Complete FLK1&2 Mock
MCQs Practice
Daily Practice
Topic Practice
Unlimited 1:1 tutor support
AI Assistant
Track Progress
Native Mobile App
Revision Cards & Audio Books
(Soon Hardbook)
Hardcopy (price unknown) / eBooks
FQPS Inteligent Platform
FQPS Academy
From £189/month
From £1,990
Study Plan
Cancel Anytime
Not refundable
SQE1 FLK Revision Materials
Live Assessment with Personalised Feedback
6 per month
Assessment level Self Practice Activities with exemplars
38 per month(+6 new per month)
Pre-Exam 1:1 trainer discussion
Unlimited 1:1 tutor support
AI Assistant
Track Progress
Mobile App
FQPS Inteligent Platform

FQPS Academy Courses

We put our heart into designing valuable SQE resources — don't hesitate to use them!

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 the SQE starts here.