FQPS Academy: SQE1 / SQE2 Exam Preparation Course Provider

SQE Exam Preparation for Students and Foreign Lawyers from Dublin, United States.

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In-depth Coverage of SQE Syllabus

Unlock comprehensive SQE syllabus insights with our updated study materials.

Diagrams and Mindmaps

Tailored for SQE1 & SQE2 Preparation Courses. Revolutionize your SQE study.

Unlimited tutoring sessions

Get unlimited personalised tutoring sessions monthly, so you're not just studying alone.

Why FQPS Academy is the Smart Choice?

Practice More, Pay Less.
When you subscribe to FQPS Academy, you tap into a treasure trove of ever-evolving study resources. We keep the questions coming, fresh and updated every month, ensuring your knowledge is always growing and challenged.

FQPS Academy: SQE1 / SQE2 - The Best SQE Practice Material Library
FQPS Academy: SQE1 / SQE2 - The Best SQE Practice Material Library

Powerful Platform

Unique intelligent platform designed to identify your areas of improvement and track your progress with comprehensive reports.

FQPS Academy: SQE1 / SQE2 - The Best SQE Practice Material Library

Unlimited access

Access a bank of practice material, including Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) tailored for FLK1 and FLK2, as well as Practical Scenarios for SQE2.

FQPS Academy: SQE1 / SQE2 - The Best SQE Practice Material Library


"Hotpoints and Flashcards" package : Designed to refresh your memory and enhance your understanding of course contents.

FQPS Academy: SQE1 / SQE2 - The Best SQE Practice Material Library

Practical Skills

Our Practice Scenarios and Mocks are designed to nurture your efficiency in addressing legal issues within time limits.

500 +

Hours of hands-on practice material

3700 +

Amazing practice questions in our Library

100 %

Probability of achieving greater success on your exam day

24 /7

Enjoy the flexibility of practicing and studying round the clock

FQPS Academy: SQE1 / SQE2 - The Best SQE Practice Material Library

FQPS Academy: A Must-Have!

At FQPS Academy, we're not your regular study guide — we're your ultimate academic ally. We grant you access to top-notch practice material that won't burn a hole in your pocket. But that's not what makes us special.

What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to keeping our resources updated. We're like that friendly neighborhood library that never runs out of new books, except here, it's all about practice material! Our mission is to keep you at the top of your game, always learning, and always growing.

With FQPS Academy, you’re not just studying, you're growing.

And much more ...

We are a dedicated team, putting all our efforts into your success.

FQPS Academy: SQE1 / SQE2 - The Best SQE Practice Material Library

About the Exam

FQPS Academy: SQE1 / SQE2 - The Best SQE Practice Material Library

Syllabus (Updated 2023)

FQPS Academy: SQE1 / SQE2 - The Best SQE Practice Material Library

SQE Exam Dates, Locations & Fees

SQE2 : Practice

SQE2 : Mocks

SQE2 : Area of law

FQPS Academy Blog Post Articles

FQPS Academy: SQE1 / SQE2 - International Women's Day: The Rise of Women Solicitors in the UK

International Women's Day: The Rise of Women Solicitors in the UK

Discover the remarkable journey of women solicitors in the UK this International Women's Day. Celebr...

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FQPS Academy: SQE1 / SQE2 - Everything You Need to Know About SQE2 Results 2023-2024

Everything You Need to Know About SQE2 Results 2023-2024

Discover SQE2 results 2023/2024 release dates, how to access, resit booking, and prep tips. Stay ahe...

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FQPS Academy: SQE1 / SQE2 - Why the COVID have been a game-changer for EdTech?

Why the COVID have been a game-changer for EdTech?

Explore how the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated EdTech's growth, transforming education with digital s...

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