FQPS Academy vs BPP University

Full SQE preparation comparison:
FQPS Academy Vs BPP University

You considered enrolling at BPP until you came across their fees. Let's delve into what BPP provides to help you determine if the investment is worthwhile 💰👀.

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How does BPP University stand out?

Let's explore the services that BPP purportedly provides, along with student feedback on their SQE Preparation.

Pass rates 20% above national average

‍In January 2023, 85% of BPP students shared their SQE1 results with BPP and the BPP pass rate for SQE1 was 73%.
In January 2024, the pass rate increased to 79% instead of 73%, but only 75% of candidates participated in the Success Survey instead of 85%. This could suggests that the difference in the percentage of students sharing their results could artificially inflate BPP's pass rate. Students who did not pass  SQE are likely less inclined to share their results.
Caution is advised when interpreting pass rates other than those officially provided by the SRA.

A large-scale university

BPP is a private university with around 21,000 students, studying across 13 centres, in eight locations across England and online around the world focusing on Law, Business, Nursing and Technology.

BPP Adapt

BPP Adapt offers pre-recorded video learning materials organised by topic, with regular questions throughout each video to test your understanding. You will also receive access to analytics and statistics on your correct answers to track your progress.

Five Students will benefit 6-Month QWE Placement

6-month QWE placement contracts are exclusively available for five students in their award-winning Social Impact Team.

You might need a loan to afford BPP  👀

BPP offers an SQE preparation course for £12,100. While there's no resit guarantee, a discounted price is available if you fail SQE.
The BPP SQE Prep course is not eligible for postgraduate loan funding. However, you can upgrade to BPP's LLM SQE1&2, which qualifies for postgraduate loan funding. The LLM course costs £14,600.

We can't wait to see you succeed

Whether you subscribed for SQE1 or SQE2, our mission is to ensure your success. Whether it requires going the extra mile, answering questions at any time, or offering tailored support, you can rely on us.

Unseen and Consistent Mentor Guidance

Your mentor will  monitor your progress, even without you noticing; ensuring you are on track by regularly reviewing your mock results and ensuring you are completing all the steps in your personal study program.

Smart, Unique and personalised Study Program, meet Cleo

Meet Leo, your smart Study Planner, designing a tailored Revision Strategy just for you.
Our smart platform analyses your lifestyle to design a personalised study plan. It adapts and supports you with tips and guidance every step of the way.
Removing the mental burden of managing your SQE schedule will greatly impact your daily life.

Largest Online Resource Library Available 24/7

Gain unlimited access to a plethora of materials, from pre-recorded video lectures to revision cards, podcasts, audio recordings, practice quizzes, mocks, and more. Whether you are on your laptop or mobile device, FQPS has you covered. Stay tuned for the upcoming release of our revision books!

Last but not least: Our SQE prep is the most competitively priced ever.

Our goal is true inclusivity, so we have taken a different approach than our competitors. Our SQE preparations start at just £79 per month, with the flexibility to cancel anytime.

Say goodbye to paying thousands for self-study. You can even invoice your employer for your training.

Enjoy the security of The FQPS Academy SQE Guarantee.

If you failed to pass your SQE1 or SQE2 exam as an FQPS community member, you will receive free training and additional support. If another course provider could not help you pass, you are also covered. You will receive a special 50% discount on all our preparation plans, free upgrade to our premium plans and additional support for free.

How can FQPS elevate your SQE Prep?

FQPS Academy aims to offer students a superior experience through exceptional guidance and excellence.

BBP is a well established University

BPP University’s approach is rigorous. BPP's mission, as an established university, is to ensure their students are on the right path. There are strict entry requirements to ensure students joining the course are capable of succeeding.

The entry requirements are as follow:
- 2:2 honours law degree or,
- 2:2 honours degree in non-law subject and successfully passing GDL or BPP's SQE Starter test.

BPP's PGDL course costs £10,700
BPP's SQE Starter Course costs £2,700

Before paying thousands 💰 do your research

A course based on self-assessment should never have become the norm. You deserve to receive continuous feedback on your performance and effective guidance from those who have the expertise to help you succeed.

According to student feedback, BPP's biggest flaw is the lack of support and feedback. Students are left to study on their own after paying more than £10,000. And guess what? You shouldn't need a loan to prepare for  SQE.

With FQPS, for far less money, you will get more SQE features and feedback. Prices start at only £79/month.

While BPP is generally a well-known and competent university, people recommend caution when considering BPP for SQE preparation: poor communication, changes without notice,  insufficient practice questions that do not accurately reflect exam difficulty, insufficient depth of teaching for SQE1 content.

We can only advise you to be cautious when choosing your SQE course provider. Do your own research and ask alumni for their honest opinion.

Get to know our preparation methodology

Complete SQE1 and SQE2 Prep
Offer Comparaison

We want to give an honest and trust worthy review of all features provided by QLTS and FQPS Academy. This informations can be fund from each course providers websites.

FQPS Academy
BPP University
From £79/month
From £12,167
Cancel Anytime
Not refundable
Study Plan
5200 SRA-like MCQs
5 Complete FLK1&2 Mock
Renewed every month
5 Complete FLK1&2 Mock
in total
MCQs Practice
Daily Practice
Topic Practice
Unlimited 1:1 tutor support
AI Assistant
Track Progress
Native Mobile App
Revision Cards & Audio Books
(Soon Hardbook)
Hardcopy (price unknown) / eBooks
FQPS Inteligent Platform
FQPS Academy
From £189/month
From £4,000
Study Plan
Cancel Anytime
Not refundable
SQE1 FLK Revision Materials
Live Assessment with Personalised Feedback
6 per month
Assessment level Self Practice Activities with exemplars
38 per month(+6 new per month)
Pre-Exam 1:1 trainer discussion
Unlimited 1:1 tutor support
AI Assistant
Track Progress
Mobile App
FQPS Inteligent Platform

FQPS Academy Courses

We put our heart into designing valuable SQE resources — don't hesitate to use them!

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