SQE1 Exam Preparation

Progress every day with our
Daily Practice

Despite everyday commitments, always aim to complete the Daily Practice: 15 random questions per day—an opportunity to learn or reaffirm what you already know.

That's 90 questions every six days, or simply put, a weekly mock!

Discover the Benefits of Daily Practice

Embrace the challenge, for with every attempt you grow.

Daily Knowledge Refresher

Keep your legal knowledge sharp by engaging in daily practice sessions, helping you build a solid substantive law foundation and ensure your knowledge doesn't grow rusty.

Embrace Repetition

Don't settle for one round of studying. Repetition aids knowledge transfer from conscious to intuitive or deeper levels of recollection.

Quick Quizzes

Take short quizzes consisting of just 20 questions per day. Without even realising, you will accumulate hours of revisions each month.

Multiple Choice Questions

MCQs present five possible choices, with detailed context when needed, requiring you to select the single best answer.


Practice sessions can either be strictly time-bound, adding pressure, or without a clock, allowing you to focus solely on the questions.

Consistent Learning

Simply absorbing information isn't enough; actively revisiting and relearning is key to long-term retention.

SQE1 Prep Included Course Materials

Why our SQE Prep is the best

Used and loved by people all over the world

“I would hoped I knew FQPS before, I enrolled with University of Law for SQE1 and had to do all the work. Now that I'm with FQPS for SQE2 it's so easy to revise what I already learn. I love to write down to learn, but their 3 mode of revision card help so much to know what's important to remember.”

Marc J.
SQE1 Preparation

Start your SQE Prep with FQPS Academy.
