SQE2 Exam Preparation

SQE2 Live 1:1 Mock
Solicitors' Feedback and Guidance

Sessions are led by experienced tutors who are well-versed in the SQE2 exam format and expectations.

How our SQE2 1:1 Live Mocks Stand out.

Client Interview Mock

Real Condition Client Interview Mock: Experience Law Firm Practice

By the time you take the client interview exam, you will be so accustomed to the process that it will feel like a routine interview.

Up to Six Client Interviews per Month. Participate in realistic client interviews six times a month, focusing on Property Practice or Probate. These sessions are designed to mirror real-world scenarios, providing you with hands-on experience in managing client interactions.

Professional Role-Playing. From the moment you join the Live meeting, step into the role of a newly qualified solicitor. Maintain a professional demeanour throughout the session, demonstrating your ability to handle real-life legal situations with confidence and competence.

Skill Demonstration and Development. In a 25-minute interview, showcase your ability to establish and maintain effective client relationships. Practice asking appropriate questions, collecting all relevant facts, and providing accurate initial advice. This exercise ensures you are equipped with the essential skills required for a successful legal career.

Real Exam Conditions. You will be assessed based on the SRA criteria, ensuring that the experience is as authentic as possible. You will have exactly 10 minutes to prepare for either a Probate or Property Practice interview, 25 minutes to conduct the interview, and 25 minutes to submit your attendance note. This structure mirrors the actual exam conditions, helping you become fully prepared and confident for the real client interview exam.

You won’t know which area of law you will be assessed on until you receive the Mock! Men are expected to wear a suit, while women are expected to wear professional attire.

Client Interview Mock

Real Condition Client Interview Mock: Gain Law Firm Practice

Experience Courtroom Practice

Real Condition Advocacy Mock: Experience Courtroom Practice

Regular Court Pleadings. Up to six times a month, you will undertake court pleadings before an assessor playing the judge’s role. This frequent practice is designed to build your confidence and proficiency in court advocacy.

Detailed Skills Assessment. From the very first moment you join the meeting, the judge will pay close attention to your language, behaviour, arguments, persuasiveness, and legal knowledge. The judge may ask questions about your submissions, ranging from simple questions of law to more challenging inquiries if your performance is already satisfactory.

Real Exam Conditions. You will be assessed based on the SRA criteria, ensuring that the experience is as authentic as possible.You will be given 45 minutes of preparation time for either a Dispute Resolution or Criminal Practice Advocacy, followed by 15 minutes to present your submissions. This structure mirrors the actual exam conditions, helping you become fully prepared and confident for the real client interview exam.

You won’t know which area of law you will be assessed on until you receive the Mock! Men are expected to wear a suit, while women are expected to wear professional attire.

Our Goal: Make Advocacy Easy. Our aim is to ensure that by the time you take the advocacy exam, you will be so accustomed to the process that it will feel like a routine pleadings. We strive to prove that you have what it takes to plead effectively and to demystify the advocacy assessment, often feared by students, to make it feel easy.

Advocacy Mock

Real Condition Advocacy Mock: Gain Courtroom Practice

Legal Writing

Legal Writing Skills Assessment

Areas of Assessment. Whether it is Case and Matter Analysis, Research, Drafting, or Legal Writing, you will be carefully assessed on your legal writing skills following the exact SRA criteria.

Time Allocation. For each of the mocks, you will be given the exact amount of time as you will have on the exam day:
Legal Writing: 30 minutes
Research: 1 hour
Case and Matter Analysis: 1 hour
Drafting: 45 minutes

Objectives, These mocks are designed to ensure you can:
Transcribe complex legal concepts into simple and plain English.
Properly structure your legal documents.
Apply the law in a client-focused manner.

Legal Writing

Legal Writing Skills Assessment

Detailed Feedback

Detailed Feedback Based on SRA Criteria

Written Performance Report. After each mock, you will receive a written report on your performance. This report will contain grades for each relevant skill assessed. The grading scale includes:
Superior Performance
Clearly Satisfactory
Marginal Pass
Marginal Fail
Clearly Unsatisfactory
Poor Performance

Identify Strengths and Weaknesses. This feedback will allow you to clearly identify your strengths and weaknesses, helping you to focus on areas for improvement in the next mock. Performances are replayed and reviewed rigorously ensuring that you receive comprehensive insights.

Diligent and Rigorous Assessment. Our feedback is not only thorough but also meticulously detailed, ensuring that every aspect of your performance is evaluated rigorously. This approach ensures that you receive comprehensive insights into your skills and areas needing improvement.

Personalised Comments from Assessors. Along with the grade, you will also receive personalised comments from the assessor: tips on specific skills, why you did not receive full points and how exactly you could have performed better.

Detailed Feedback

Detailed Feedback Based on SRA Criteria

Correction & Guidance

Complete Correction and Guidance on your Specific Performance

Importance of Feedback for Progress. Feedback is crucial for your progress. However, simply telling you what you did wrong is not enough; we also show you how to achieve a superior grade by explaining exactly what was expected.

Precise Correction. It’s easy to say you could have done better, but we go beyond that. We will review each minute of your performance and provide precise details on what you were expected to do and how to do it correctly.

Comprehensive Correction. This approach is more than just feedback; it is a clear and complete correction of each and every one of your performances. We ensure you understand the exact steps to improve and excel in future assessments.

Correction & Guidance

Complete Correction and Guidance on your Specific Performance

Real Exam Condition

Real Exam Condition - Impersonate the role of a fresh Solicitor

Experience assessments under real exam conditions to ensure you are fully prepared for the actual evaluations. This includes Advocacy, Client Interviews, and all Legal Writing Assessments, meticulously following the SRA directions. Each assessment is designed to replicate the exact time constraints and evaluation standards you will face on exam day.

Advocacy Assessments.
Preparation Time: 45 minutes to prepare your case.
Presentation Time: 15 minutes to make your submissions.
Interactive Questions: The judge may ask questions about your submissions, ranging from simple questions of law to more challenging inquiries, depending on your performance.
Dress code: Suit  for men, professional attire for women.

Client Interviews.
Preparation Time: 10 minutes to prepare for the interview.
Interview Time: 25 minutes to conduct the interview.
Attendance Note: 25 minutes to submit your attendance note.
Dress code: Suit  for men, professional attire for women.

Legal Writing Assessments.
Legal Writing: 30 minutes to complete the task.
Research: 1 hour to conduct and document your research.
Case and Matter Analysis: 1 hour to analyse and report.
Drafting: 45 minutes to draft the required document.

Our aim is to make you so accustomed to the exam process that it will feel routine by the time you take the actual exam. This rigorous and realistic practice helps demystify the assessments, making them more manageable and less intimidating.

Real exam condition

Real Exam Condition - Impersonate the role of a fresh Solicitor

6 New Mocks Per Month

Continuous Practice and Assessment: 6 Mocks Per Month

At our academy, we believe that continuous practice and assessment are essential for effective learning and progress. That's why we offer up to six mock assessments per month, significantly more than other course providers.

Flexible and Comprehensive Practice. Students have six Live sessions each month and can decide which assessments they want to focus on. Whether you choose to do six advocacy sessions, three advocacy and three client interviews, or any other combination, the choice is yours. This flexibility ensures you can tailor your practice to your specific needs and areas for improvement.

Cleo, you smart Study Planner, will ensure you pick the best possible combination for an effective progression and preparation.

Superior to Other Providers. Unlike other course providers such as the University of Law, which only offers one oral mock a week before the exam, or Barbri, which provides around six assessments in total, we provide six or more assessments every month. This continuous and frequent practice ensures that you are consistently improving and gaining confidence in your skills.

Effective Progress. Our approach ensures that you are not just assessed once right before the exam, but are continuously practising and receiving feedback. This method helps you to steadily progress, identify weaknesses early, and improve effectively over time. By the time of your actual exam, you will be well-prepared and confident, having undergone rigorous and regular assessments.

At least 6 Mocks Per Month

Continuous Practice and Assessment: At least 6 Mocks Per Month

There is more.

"When you think about your education, you remember your teachers."

Expert Tutors

Sessions are conducted by experienced tutors who are familiar with the SQE2 exam format and expectations.
Tutors provide expert insights and practical advice to help students excel.

Simulated Exam Environment

Mock sessions replicate the actual exam conditions to help students acclimate to the pressure and timing.
Realistic practice enhances exam-day readiness and reduces anxiety.

Access to Resources

Gain access to additional study materials and resources to complement your live sessions.
Use of digital tools and platforms to enhance your learning experience.

Holistic Preparation

Comprehensive preparation covering all aspects of the SQE2, including practical legal skills.
Integration of theory and practice to ensure a well-rounded understanding.

Examplars and Scripts

For oral mocks, you will receive complete scripts as  corrections. For written mocks, clear and well-structured exemplars will help you compare your performance to the expected standard.

Personalised Feedback

Receive tailored feedback on your performance to target specific areas for improvement.
Detailed analysis of your answers and guidance on how to enhance your responses.

SQE2 Prep Included materials

Why our SQE Prep is the best

Elevating legal skills for future solicitors worldwide.

“My mentor gave me so much confidence and the feedback I needed to pass. Highly recommend to anyone aiming to pass SQE2!”

Karim, Student
SQE2 Preparation

Develop your legal skills. Let the lawyer in you shine.

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