SQE2 Exam Preparation

Potential Exam-Like
Self Assessment Mocks

Tons of practice mocks with detailed exemplars, scripts, and guidance to make your exams feel like just another mock.

How our SQE2 Self Practice Mocks Stand out.

Client Interview Mocks

Client Interview Mocks Covering Probate and Property Practice in Full.

Our Client Interview Mocks provide a comprehensive and realistic preparation experience, simulating potential scenarios you might face on exam day. 

  • Exam-like Scenarios: Engage in realistic scenarios that address  legal issues you might encounter during the actual exam, ensuring you’re well-prepared for any situation.
  • Full Coverage of Probate and Property Practice: These mocks cover the full spectrum of probate and property practice, providing a thorough understanding of the subject areas.
  • Tricks and Subtleties: Learn the essential tricks and nuances needed to excel in client interviews, helping you to become familiar with the subtle aspects of effective client communication.
  • Detailed Legal Application: In-depth explanations on how to apply the law to various scenarios, ensuring you can demonstrate strong legal reasoning and problem-solving skills.
  • Skills Breakdown: Gain detailed guidance into the required skills, including a comprehensive list of potential questions you might ask the client to gather crucial facts.
  • Model Interview Scripts: Access model scripts for each client interview scenario, giving you a clear example to emulate and learn from.

Our Client Interview Mocks are designed to build your confidence and ensure you’re fully prepared for the Live 1:1 client interview Mocks.

Client Interview Mock

Client Interview Mocks Covering Probate and Property Practice in Full.

Advocacy Mocks

Advocacy Mocks Covering Dispute Resolution and Criminal Practice in Full.

Our Advocacy Mocks provide a realistic preparation experience, designed to mirror potential scenarios you might face on exam day. 

  • Exam-like Scenarios: Engage in realistic scenarios that address the legal issues you might face during the actual exam, ensuring you are thoroughly prepared.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: These mocks cover the full scope of dispute resolution and criminal practice, providing an in-depth understanding.
  • Tricks and Subtleties: Learn essential tricks and nuances to excel in advocacy, familiarising yourself with the subtle aspects of courtroom presentation and argumentation.
  • Detailed Legal Application: Comprehensive explanations on how to apply the law effectively within various advocacy contexts, ensuring you can demonstrate robust legal reasoning.
  • Pleadings Structure: Gain detailed guidance into the structure of pleadings, including how to address the court, how to start, signpost, and effectively conclude your arguments.
  • Model Advocacy Scripts: Study model scripts for each advocacy scenario, giving you clear examples to emulate and learn from.

Our Advocacy Mocks are designed to build your confidence and competence, ensuring you are fully prepared for the Live 1:1 Live Advocacy Mocks.

Advocacy Mock

Advocacy Mocks Covering Dispute Resolution and Criminal Practice in Full.

Legal Writing

Writing Assessment Mocks Covering the Entire Syllabus

Our Legal Drafting, Research, Writing and Case and Matter Analysis Mocks are designed to provide comprehensive preparation across the entire SQE2 syllabus. 

  • Complete Syllabus Coverage: Practise writing assessments that cover all key areas of the SQE2, ensuring a thorough understanding and preparation for the exam.
  • Structured Guidance: Learn how to structure your answers effectively, including tips on organisation, clarity, and legal reasoning to ensure your responses meet the highest standards.
  • Model Answers: Access model answers for each writing assessment, providing you with clear examples of well-constructed responses to help guide your preparation.

Our Writing Assessment Mocks are designed to ensure you are fully prepared for the writing Mocks, building your confidence and competence in legal writing.

Legal Writing

Legal Writing Assessment Mocks Covering the Entire SQE2 Syllabus.

Detailed Feedback

Self-Assessment Mocks: Guided, Advanced Modes

Our self-assessment mocks on the FQPS platform offer two distinct modes to match your preparation level, whether you're starting out, or mastering advanced concepts.

  • Guided Mode:

Non-Timed Exams: Practice without the pressure of a time limit, focusing on understanding the material.

Detailed Explanations: Receive additional explanations and guidance to help you grasp fundamental concepts.

Step-by-Step Guidance: Ideal for first-time learners, with scenarios broken down into manageable steps for better understanding.

Baby Steps: Scenarios are divided into smaller, digestible parts to ensure thorough comprehension, which you can reapply in future attempts.

  • Advanced Mode:

Strict Time Restrictions: Practice under strict time limits, mirroring real exam conditions to build your test-taking stamina and time management skills.

No Guidance: Test your ability to apply knowledge independently, just as you would in the actual exam.

Our self-assessment mocks are designed to provide a seamless learning experience, supporting you at every level with the resources and feedback you need to succeed. Whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced learner, you'll find the tools and support necessary to achieve your goals and excel in your legal career.

Detailed Feedback

Self-Assessment Mocks: Guided and Advanced Modes.

Correction & Guidance

Self-Assessed Mocks with Tutor Guidance Available

Our self-assessment mocks are designed to offer you the flexibility of self-evaluation combined with the support of expert tutor guidance when needed. 

  • Detailed Explanations: Each mock comes with comprehensive explanations and exemplars, helping you understand the correct application of the law and the structure of your responses.
  • Independent Learning: Take control of your learning by assessing your performance on your own.
  • Flexible Support: Whether you need help with understanding complex legal concepts, structuring your answers, or mastering exam techniques, our tutors are here to assist you at any stage of your preparation.
  • Resource Access: Gain access to a wealth of resources, including model answers, detailed explanations, and video tutorials, to supplement your independent study and enhance your understanding.

Our self-assessment mocks with tutor guidance available offer the best of both worlds, empowering you to take charge of your learning while providing the expert support you need to succeed.

Correction & Guidance

Self-Assessed Mocks with Tutor Guidance Available.

Fresh and Updated Mocks

At least 36 Mocks Per Month - Fresh and Updated

You don’t need 300 PDF mocks (like QLT*.. S  👀). What you need is 36 quality mocks per month with real guidance and feedback to help you progress.

Fresh Content Monthly:
We offer 36 new mocks every month, you’ll never encounter the same mock twice, ensuring that you always have fresh material to practise with. Our mocks are up-to-date with the current syllabus, so you’re always practising the most relevant scenarios.

Superior to Other Providers:
If you have any questions or need additional help with the self-practice mocks, you can always reach out to your tutor. Personalised sessions are available to address your specific questions and provide tailored advice.

Our approach ensures you receive the right amount of practice with the guidance needed to truly improve and succeed.

New and Updated Mocks

At least 36 Mocks Per Month - Fresh and Updated.

Discover the Mocks

Practice makes perfect.

Boost Confidence

Regular mock sessions help build your confidence by familiarising you with the exam format and expectations.

Improve Time Management

Learn how to manage your time effectively during the exam through timed practice sessions.

Enhance Exam Technique

Develop effective exam techniques and strategies to maximise your score.

Receive Support

Enjoy the reassurance of having expert support throughout your preparation journey.

Monitor Your Progress

We track every second you spend on each mock, providing detailed insights into your study habits. This helps us identify areas for improvement and optimise your study sessions for better results.

Achieve Better Results

Benefit from a structured and supportive learning environment designed to help you succeed.

Why our SQE Prep is the best

SQE2 Prep Included materials

Elevating legal skills for future solicitors worldwide.

“I read so many mock corrections, it made me feel confident about tackling SQE2. Sometimes the stress was overwhelming but I felt I knew what to expect. In the end, it proved to be worth it.”

Greg, Student
SQE2 Preparation

Self-studying Mocks with on demand guidance.

Just Try It.