Equality, diversity & inclusion

At FQPS Academy, we are proud of our rich and diverse student population. Thanks to our breadth of courses, we are delighted to welcome students from all walks of life and across the globe.

Our Vision:

We belong.

At FQPS, we're dedicated to fostering a culture of inclusion, enhancing diversity among our students, and ensuring accountability at every level. Because creating a sense of belonging is a collective effort.

Our Mission & Values

Inclusion that reflects the world around us.

Diversity, Inclusion, and the Equality Act 2010

Equality, diversity, and inclusion are fundamental to everything we do at FQPS. We aim to foster a positive culture of learning and development where everyone feels valued and has the opportunity to progress.


Our Disability Support and Inclusion Service provides a confidential, professional, and accessible service, ensuring equal opportunity, access, and attainment for all.

Ethnic Diversity

FQPS is committed to supporting students and staff from diverse ethnic backgrounds to achieve success in their studies and careers, and to progress within their chosen professional paths.


We are proud of our LGBTQ+ community at FQPS and support both students and staff who identify as such. We believe in creating a safe and inclusive environment for all, improving accessibility and inclusion.

Mental Wellbeing

Regardless of who you are or where you come from, we all need to look after our mental health and the well-being of those around us. We understand that students may need extra support while studying, whether for personal or academic reasons, and we provide support at every step.

Religion and Belief

We recognise that our community includes people of various religions and beliefs, as well as those without religious affiliations. We strive to create an environment where all choices are respected.

Sex, Gender, and Gender Reassignment

We are dedicated to promoting equality, gender diversity, and inclusivity throughout all our activities and across the workplace.

Social Mobility

FQPS is committed to enhancing social mobility by widening accessibility and supporting talented students to realize their full potential.

Our values are part of everything built here — Get to know FQPS Academy

People are talking

The new way to prepare
 the SQE starts here.