SQE1 Exam Preparation

Maximise your learning with
the best SQE Revision Notes

Our SQE revision notes are not just study tools; they are a revolution in SQE studying, designed to help you learn faster, better, and retain information longer.

Read, Understand, Learn: 3-Steps Revision

Our RULe approach—Read, Understand, Learn—helps master the SQE syllabus efficiently. Each Revision Card is presented into three versions: Context (R), Essentials (U), and Crucial knowledge (L).

In-depth Coverage of SQE Syllabus

Our content remains current, incorporating all SRA statements and SQE syllabus updates. From tax to Welsh law, we comprehensively cover and update the entire syllabus.

Tailored for SQE1 & SQE2 Preparation

FQPS revision cards are meticulously crafted to provide you with the substantive law necessary for SQE1 and, they emphasise the practical implications of legal principles and procedures for SQE2.

Even with all this, you will still be guided and mentored

"When you think about your education, you remember your teachers."

Meet Cleo, our AI Smart Study Planner

Cleo will seamlessly integrate with your study program, ensuring that all your study materials and revision cards are in one place. This means less time spent organising and more time focused on learning.

Effortless Comprehension and Retention

Our revision cards are designed for ease of reading and understanding. Each card provides clear, concise information that helps you grasp complex concepts quickly and efficiently.

Premium Quality Study Materials

Our content is meticulously curated and regularly updated by experts to ensure you receive the highest quality study materials. With FQPS Academy, you can trust that you're learning from the best.

Stay Up to Date with the Latest SQE Syllabus

Our content is always updated to reflect the most recent syllabus changes, ensuring that you are studying the most relevant and accurate material.

Monitor Your Progress

We track every second you spend on each lesson, providing detailed insights into your study habits. This helps us identify areas for improvement and optimise your study sessions for better results.

Adaptable Study Paths for Every Student

Our SQE prep is designed to be flexible, allowing you to tailor your study path to your personal schedule and learning style.  Cleo will guide you through each step.

Perfect Prep for January 2025 Exam

Updated to the latest syllabus released this year, our materials ensure you are fully prepared for the January 2025 SQE exams.

Visual Learning Made Easy

FQPS Academy introduces innovative learning approaches that encourage students to visualise and remember intricate details with ease, making SQE preparation more effective and engaging.

Tailored for SQE1 & SQE2 Prep Courses

Our revision cards are tailored to help you learn the law for your SQE1 exam and remember the finer points for SQE2, ensuring a thorough understanding and retention of the material.

What's next?

Accessibility Features for All

Customise the font size, font family, and colors to suit your needs. Our platform ensures that all images and graphs are clear and accessible, even for those with visual impairments.

Learn more about our accessibility commitment
Revision Cards

Written and summarised by qualified solicitors and tested by students who have successfully passed the SQE1 on their first attempt.

Paper book

Our revision books allow you to write, highlight, and engage with the material directly. Available for just £99.

Study Plan

Don't get lost in an ocean of revision cards. We organise your study plan by priority, ensuring you cover all essential topics first.

We cover all
SQE Syllabus & Topics

(SRA Syllabus, Updated May 2024)

SQE1 Prep Included Course Materials

Why our SQE Prep is the best.

Loved and relied upon by users worldwide.

"FQPS's condensed revision cards really helped me out! The resources and support helped me study while working full-time, at an affordable price and without wasting my time."

Zakia,  Student
SQE1 Preparation

Revisions cards with just what you need to know.

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