What is the difference between LPC and SQE?

Choosing the right path to becoming a solicitor in England and Wales can be a daunting task, especially with the introduction of the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) that is set to replace the Legal Practice Course (LPC).

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Understanding the LPC and SQE

This guide aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of both routes, helping you make an informed decision.

Legal Practice Course (LPC)

The LPC is divided into two stages:

  • Stage 1: covers core practice areas of law
  • Stage 2: involves vocational electives allowing candidates to specialise in specific areas of their interest

The LPC has a time commitment of at least two years.

The LPC involves:

  • Having a Qualifying Law Degree (QLD), or Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL)/Common Professional Examination (CPE) if you do not have a law degree
  • Completing the LPC
  • Undergoing a two-year training contract
  • Passing the Professional Skills Course (PSC
  • Satisfying the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) character and suitability rules

The LPC will still be a valid qualification for several years, and while law firms and other legal employers continue to offer training contracts, it remains a recognised way of entering the legal profession.

Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE)

The SQE assessments are administered by Kaplan and are generally
open to any person with a degree or equivalent.

The SQE has a timeframe of six years in which you have to complete the SQE assessments and apply for admission as an English solicitor.

To be eligible to qualify through the SQE:

  • Have a degree or equivalent
  • Pass SQE1 and SQE2
  • Complete two years of qualifying work experience (QWE)
  • Satisfying the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) character and suitability rules

To know more about SQE Exam.

Key Differences Between LPC and SQE

Training Contract vs Qualifying Work Experience

Under the LPC, a period of two years of a training contract is an essential element. However, the SQE offers more flexibility with the qualifying work experience, which can be gained through a placement during your law degree, working in a student law clinic, or as a paralegal.


The total cost of the LPC ranges between £7,500-£17,000, depending on the institution you choose to study at. The total cost for taking both SQE assessments with Kaplan will be £4,115, excluding fees associated with SQE preparation courses. SQE timings and pricing

Preparation Time

If you study full-time, it will take about a year to complete the LPC, while studying part-time will be about two years. Preparation time for the SQE depends on various individual needs and circumstances, but on average, it is likely to take about 9-12 months to prepare for both stages of the SQE exams.

Which Route Should You Choose?

Deciding between the LPC or SQE isn’t really black and white. It ultimately comes down to what your personal needs, career goals, time, cost, and preference are.

The SQE route will be considerably more cost-effective than the LPC, and it will take you a lot less time to qualify. However, it is expected that there will be a low pass rate for the SQE assessments, which might make the SQE route to qualification more challenging than the LPC.

For students who have, or expect to obtain a training contract, the LPC is the appropriate choice of course. Students who choose to sit the SQE will have to complete two years of QWE, so the key question for them is - will I be able to obtain QWE? At the moment, a lot of students studying for the SQE have already obtained some form of legal employment, which will count towards their QWE, so the SQE will be an appropriate choice for them.

Another factor to consider are the differences in the assessments: for example, the SQE has far more skills assessments than the LPC (16 tasks in total).

Finally, the other key factor students are considering is how long it takes to study for the LPC and the SQE. The LPC typically lasts for one academic year when studied full time. It is possible to study for the SQE in a shorter time than this, but this is because there is no elective content in the SQE syllabus.

Both the LPC and SQE preparation courses are available in online and attendance mode and can be studied full or part-time. This means both routes have built-in flexibility for students who have work or caring responsibilities.

The shorter timeframe for SQE and the fact that QWE can be started before, during and after sitting the SQE may make it a more flexible option for certain students, particularly those with work that will amount to QWE.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Is the SQE more difficult than the LPC?
Is one route more suitable for certain lifestyles than the other?
Why should I consider the LPC if the SQE is the latest path?
Do law firms prefer the LPC or SQE?

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