A Comparative Study of SQE2 2022 and SQE2 2023 Exam Results

August 11, 2024
Reading Time
6 Mins

In the ever-evolving landscape of legal education, the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) stands as a pivotal milestone for aspiring solicitors in the UK. The SQE2, which assesses candidates on their practical legal skills, has witnessed significant shifts in performance and demographics between the 2022 and 2023 sessions. This article delves into the nuances of these shifts, highlighting areas of improvement and where the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) can further enhance the examination process.

A Closer Look at the Statistics

Sittings and Pass Rates

In 2022, the SQE2 saw a total of 646 candidates across three sittings, with an overall pass rate of 71%. The following year witnessed a substantial increase in the number of candidates, totalling 996 across four sittings, and an impressive overall pass rate of 77%. Notably, the pass rate for candidates attempting the exam for the first time in 2023 was even higher, standing at 80%.

When we dissect the data further, it is evident that there has been a consistent improvement in the pass rates across the sittings from 2022 to 2023. The upward trend in the pass rates, especially for those attempting the exam for the first time, is a positive indication of the evolving efficacy of the SQE2.

Descriptive Statistics

A deeper analysis of the descriptive statistics reveals a slight decrease in the mean score from 66.4% in 2022 to 66.2% in 2023. However, the standard deviation in 2023 increased to 12.3%, indicating a wider spread of scores compared to 2022. Interestingly, the minimum score saw a significant rise from 7% in 2022 to 32% in 2023, which could be seen as an indication of a more uniform performance among candidates. The range of scores also narrowed down from 84% in 2022 to 60% in 2023, suggesting a possible decrease in the variability of candidate performance.

Demographic Shifts and Implications

Gender Dynamics

The gender dynamics witnessed a significant shift from 2022 to 2023, with a higher percentage of female candidates (from 58% to 66%) and a notable improvement in their pass rate (from 73% to 82%). This could potentially be a reflection of the SRA's efforts to foster gender equality in the legal sector. However, it also beckons a closer inspection into the factors contributing to this upward trend and how it can be sustained.

Ethnicity Trends

The ethnicity trends, however, paint a more complex picture. While there was an increase in the representation of white ethnic candidates (from 38% to 57%) with a remarkable improvement in their pass rate (from 74% to 90%), the representation of other ethnic groups witnessed a decline from 73% to 55%. This significant shift in the ethnic composition of candidates and the disparate pass rates among different groups necessitate a deeper analysis to ensure that the SQE is fostering an inclusive environment for all aspiring solicitors.

Demographic Shifts and Implications

Delving Deeper: Areas of Excellence and Room for Improvement

Areas of Excellence

Enhanced Performance and Consistency

The 2023 session marked a notable enhancement in the overall performance of candidates, with a higher pass rate and a more consistent score range. The narrowing down of the score range and the increase in the minimum score are indicative of a more levelled playing field, possibly pointing to the effectiveness of preparatory resources and strategies employed by candidates.

Gender Equality

The rise in the representation and success rate of female candidates is a promising trend, showcasing the strides made towards achieving gender equality in the legal profession. This could be attributed to various initiatives aimed at empowering women in the legal sector, including mentorship programs, networking opportunities, and targeted training.

Room for Improvement

Ethnic Diversity

The decline in the representation and success rate of candidates from other ethnic backgrounds is a concerning trend. The SRA needs to delve deeper to understand the underlying causes of this decline and work towards fostering a more inclusive environment. Initiatives could include offering support and resources to candidates from diverse backgrounds and implementing strategies to reduce potential biases in the examination process.

Addressing Variability in Performance

Despite the improvements noted, the increase in the standard deviation in 2023 suggests a wider variability in candidate performance. The SRA might need to investigate the potential causes behind this variability and work towards ensuring a more uniform performance across all candidates, possibly through the refinement of the examination structure and content.


The comparative analysis of the SQE2 exam results from the 2022 and 2023 sessions paints a picture of progress, with notable improvements in several areas. The increased representation and success rate of female candidates is a testament to the positive strides being made towards fostering gender equality in the legal sector.

However, the analysis also unveils areas where the SRA can focus its efforts to foster further improvements. The decline in the representation and success rate of candidates from other ethnic backgrounds is a critical area that warrants immediate attention. Moreover, addressing the increased variability in candidate performance is essential to ensuring a fair and equitable examination process.

In this evolving landscape, FQPS Academy stands as a beacon of hope and opportunity for aspiring solicitors. Born from a profound commitment to foster student success, our initiative seeks to bridge the gaps in access to practice materials, transforming these challenges into opportunities for learners everywhere. We understand the financial burden that aspiring legal professionals face, and our goal is to democratise the solicitor’s exam by offering high-quality practice materials at significantly lower prices compared to our competitors.

Together with the SRA's efforts, FQPS Academy is committed to shaping a legal sector that is reflective of the diverse society it serves, fostering a community of ambitious and talented individuals ready to make their mark in the legal world. It is our mission to be your partner in SQE success, guiding you every step of the way as you navigate the complexities of the SQE exams.

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