500+ Free SQE 1 Sample Questions MCQ [2024 Updated List]

June 29, 2024
Reading Time
6 Mins

The SQE1 assesses the functioning legal knowledge (FLK) across a broad spectrum of topics, making comprehensive preparation essential. One of the most effective ways to prepare is by utilising SQE1 sample questions and mock tests, which simulate SRA real exam conditions and provide valuable feedback. This article compiles over 500 free SQE1 sample questions available online, helping you to maximise your preparation and increase your chances of success.

Comprehensive List of Free SQE1 Sample Questions

  1. FQPS Academy Free FLK1 & FLK2 Mocks
    • Number of Questions: 180 MCQs (FLK1 & FLK2)
    • Features: Real exam conditions, detailed feedback, progress tracking
    • Access Link: FQPS Academy FLK1 Mock
  2. Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA)
  3. Kaplan QLTS Sample Questions
    • Number of Questions: 29 MCQs
    • Features: Designed for QLTS but highly relevant for SQE1 preparation
    • Access Link: Kaplan QLTS Sample Q&A
  4. British Law Academy
    • Number of Questions: 30+ MCQs
    • Features: Designed for FLK2 Preparation
    • Access Link: Google Form
  5. QTLS School

Detailed Breakdown of Available SQE 1 example questions

FQPS Academy FLK1 sample questions and FLK2 sample questions

FQPS Academy: Your Go-To Resource for Free SQE1 Mock Tests

The FQPS Academy offers a wealth of resources, including free 1 Functional Legal Knowledge (FLK) 1 mock tests and 1 Functional Legal Knowledge (FLK) 2 mock tests.

These mocks include 90 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) each designed to mirror real SRA-like exam conditions, complete with detailed feedback. The mocks cover various topics and are an excellent tool for assessing your readiness for the actual exam. Access the free mock tests here and experience the benefits of structured practice and insightful feedback.

These questions are part of the FQPS SQE1 Preparation Course. They are designed to test your knowledge across various legal domains and provide comprehensive feedback, helping you identify areas for improvement.

SRA Official Sample Questions

SRA - SQE1 Functioning Legal Knowledge sample questions

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) offers 130 MCQs that cover the core areas of the SQE1 exam. These questions are available in both English and Welsh, making them accessible to a broader range of candidates.

The sample questions are divided into two main sections: FLK1 and FLK2, each focusing on different aspects of legal knowledge.

Section Number of Questions Access Link (English) Access Link (Welsh)
FLK1 65 FLK1 Sample Questions (English) FLK1 Sample Questions (Welsh)
FLK2 65 FLK2 Sample Questions (English) FLK2 Sample Questions (Welsh)

Kaplan QLTS Sample Questions

Kaplan provides a set of 29 sample questions from their QLTS preparation materials, which are highly relevant for SQE1 candidates.

These questions are formatted similarly to SQE1 questions, making them a valuable resource for additional practice.

British Law Academy

British Law Academy offers over 30 MCQs designed specifically for FLK2 preparation. These questions are provided through a Google Form, allowing for easy access and interactive practice.

  • Number of Questions: 30+ MCQs
  • Features: Designed for FLK2 Preparation
  • Access Link: Google Form

QTLS School

QLTS School provides a comprehensive set of 190 MCQs

QLTS School provides a comprehensive set of 190 MCQs that cover a wide range of topics relevant to the SQE1 exam.

This extensive collection of questions is available online, offering substantial practice opportunities for exam candidates.

Section Number of Questions Access Link (English)
FLK1 90 FLK1 Sample Questions (English)
FLK2 90 FLK2 Sample Questions (English)
Mixed 10 SQE1 Sample Questions (English)


In conclusion, preparing for the SQE1 exam requires diligent study and ample practice with multiple-choice questions. Utilising free resources such as those provided by FQPS Academy, the SRA, Kaplan, British Law Academy etc.. can significantly enhance your readiness. By integrating these tools into your SQE study routine, you can better understand the exam format, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately improve your performance on the actual test.


Q: How many free SQE1 sample questions are available online? Over 500 sample questions are available for free from various sources, including FQPS Academy, SRA, and Kaplan.

Q: What are the benefits of using FQPS Academy’s free mock tests? FQPS Academy’s free mock tests offer real exam conditions, detailed feedback, and progress tracking, helping you to effectively prepare for the SQE1 exam.

Q: Are there any official SQE 1 sample questions from the SRA? Yes, the SRA provides 130 official sample questions that cover various legal topics relevant to the SQE1 exam.

Q: Where can I find additional SQE1 practice questions? Additional practice questions can be found through resources like Kaplan's QLTS sample questions, which are highly relevant for SQE1 preparation.

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