SQE1 8-Week Speedrun Revision Program!

Intensive SQE1 Exam Revision Program: Dive deep into key topics with a structured, day-by-day approach.


  • Intensive Revision Program: Dive deep into key topics with a structured, day-by-day approach. Set clear goals and maximize your understanding, supplemented by access to our extensive MCQs Bank (1500+ questions) and flashcards.
  • 13 Days of Real Exam Conditions Mocks: Immerse yourself in the SQE1 exam atmosphere during the crucial 2 weeks leading up to your exam. Our mock exam sessions are meticulously crafted to mirror the actual SQE1 format – complete with the same timing, length, and syllabus coverage.
  • Interactive Tutoring Sessions: Focused sessions on topics that we believe need the most attention, designed to help you remember and identify the potential SQE1 tricks per area of law.
  • Personal Follow-Up: You're not alone in this journey . Receive individual support from our dedicated team right up until exam day, addressing your specific challenges and queries.

Why Choose Us?This is more than just a revision course. It's a strategically designed program aimed at elevating your preparation, boosting your confidence, and priming you for success in the SQE1 exam.Join the program for only £128Please note that this program's content may be subject to modifications based on updates from the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) or internal program adjustments to ensure the most current and effective training.

Week 1: Mastery in Contract and Business Law

Day 1-3: Contract Law Essentials
Embark on your journey with a deep dive into Contract Law. We cover Elements for a Valid Contract, Express and Implied Terms, and Discharge and Remedies. Our approach integrates multiple learning tools:

  • Interactive MCQs: Challenge yourself with over 1200+ questions to test and reinforce your understanding.
  • Dedicated Tutoring Sessions: Engage in focused discussions and problem-solving sessions led by expert tutors.
  • Flashcards: Utilise custom-designed flashcards for quick revision and memory retention.

Day 4-7: Business Law Deep Dive
Continue your learning with Business Law, examining Various Business Mediums, LLPs and Limited Companies, their decision-making processes, and financing strategies. To ensure a comprehensive understanding, we provide:

  • Real Exam Condition Mocks: Experience the SQE1 format with our meticulously crafted mock exams, mirroring the actual exam's timing, length, and syllabus.
  • Personalised Follow-Up: Our dedicated team offers individual support, addressing your specific challenges and queries.
  • Extensive Resource Access: Gain unlimited access to our rich repository of study materials, including case studies, legal updates, and more.

Our holistic approach combines rigorous academic training with personalised support, ensuring you not only learn but master the critical concepts in Contract and Business Law, essential for excelling in the SQE1 exam.

Join the program for only £79

Week 2: In-Depth Study in Tort and Dispute Resolution

Day 1-3: Exploring Tort Law
Delve into the complexities of Tort Law, starting with Negligence and Trespass, progressing to Vicarious Liability, Employer's Liability, and Occupiers' Liability, then onto Liability for Defective Products and Nuisance, and concluding with Remedies in Tort Law. Our multifaceted learning approach includes:

  • Specialised MCQs: Test your knowledge with a wide range of questions, tailored to cover every aspect of Tort Law.
  • Expert-Led Tutoring Sessions: Participate in interactive sessions focused on critical concepts and case law analysis.
  • Practical Case Studies: Apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios, enhancing understanding and application skills.

Day 4-7: Mastering Dispute Resolution
Transition to Dispute Resolution, covering everything from Alternative Modes and Pre Action Considerations to Issuing Proceedings, Case Management, and Interim Applications. Finally, tackle Evidence and Trial Techniques, Appeals, Costs, Part 36 Offers, and Enforcement of Money Judgments. This segment is reinforced with:

  • Simulated Case Exercises: Engage in simulations that mimic real-life dispute resolution scenarios.
  • Comprehensive Learning Materials: Access an extensive collection of resources, including legal texts and current case law updates.
  • Personalised Feedback: Receive individualised feedback and support from our team of legal experts.

Our program is designed to provide you with a deep and practical understanding of Tort and Dispute Resolution, crucial for your success in the SQE1 exam.

Join the program for only £79

Week 3: Profound Understanding of Land Law and Property Practice

Day 1-4: Comprehensive Land Law Review
Embark on a detailed exploration of Land Law, beginning with the Nature of Land, Estates, and Interests, and Unregistered Land. Advance to Registered Land and Co-Ownership, delve into the complexities of Leases, and examine Easements, Profits, and Freehold Covenants. Conclude with an in-depth look at Mortgages and Tax. Enhance your learning with:

  • Targeted MCQs and Case Scenarios: Challenge yourself with focused questions and practical case scenarios to test your understanding.
  • Interactive Tutoring and Workshops: Engage in dynamic sessions that break down complex topics into manageable concepts.
  • Resource-rich Study Materials: Gain access to detailed notes, legal articles, and current judgments to deepen your understanding.

Day 5-7: Property Practice Insights
Shift your focus to Property Practice, covering Different Types of Transactions and diving into the Conveyancing Process from taking instructions to the pre-contract stage. Explore Investigation of Title, Pre-Contract Searches, and Exchange of Contracts, followed by Planning Law, Funding the Purchase, and the Completion Stages. Learn about Late Completion Remedies and Security of Tenure. This segment includes:

  • Simulations and Role-Plays: Participate in realistic simulations that mimic the actual conveyancing process.
  • Expert-led Q&A Sessions: Clarify your doubts and get in-depth explanations from experienced legal practitioners.
  • Custom Flashcards and Quick Reference Guides: Use these tools for speedy revision and retention of key legal principles.

Our program's structured approach to Land Law and Property Practice ensures you gain not just theoretical knowledge but also practical understanding, vital for your SQE1 exam success.

Join the program for only £79

Week 4: In-Depth Criminal Law and Criminal Practice Exploration

Day 1-3: Criminal Law Mastery
Begin with a thorough review of Criminal Law, starting from the foundational concepts of Actus Reus (including Causation) and Mens Rea, and the Burden and Standard of Proof. Progress to more specific areas including Homicide Offences, Offences Against the Person Act, Theft Act of 1968, Fraud Offences, and Inchoate Offences. Your learning is supported by:

  • Detailed Case Studies: Analyze and discuss real-life cases to understand the application of laws.
  • Interactive MCQs and Flashcards: Test your knowledge with diverse questions and use flashcards for quick revision.
  • Expert-led Webinars and Discussions: Join in-depth discussions on complex legal concepts led by experienced criminal law practitioners.

Day 4-7: Criminal Practice Proficiency
Shift to Criminal Practice, learning about Advising Clients at the Police Station, Bail Applications, Classification of Offences, and the dynamics of First Hearings and Plea Before Venue. Delve into Case Management, Pre-Trial Hearings, strategies to Exclude and Adduce Evidence, and Trial Procedures in both Magistrate and Crown Courts. Conclude with Sentencing Principles and Mitigation Plea, along with insights into the Appeal process. Enhance your practice with:

  • Simulated Client Consultations: Practice client interactions to build confidence and skills in client advising.
  • Mock Trials and Bail Hearings: Experience the courtroom atmosphere with mock trials and bail application exercises.
  • Comprehensive Learning Resources: Access a vast array of resources, including legal guidelines, procedural manuals, and recent case law updates.

This week's intensive focus on Criminal Law and Criminal Practice is designed to equip you with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, essential for excelling in the SQE1 exam.

Join the program for only £79

Week 5: Advanced Study in Trusts and Wills

Day 1-3: Comprehensive Trust Law Coverage
Immerse yourself in the world of Trusts, starting with Express Trusts, then moving to Resulting Trusts and Family Home, and Purpose Trusts including Charitable Trusts. Gain insights into the roles and responsibilities of trustees, covering Appointment and Removal, Powers and Duties, and Liability and Remedies. This segment is enriched with:

  • Detailed Case Studies: Analyse real-life trust scenarios to understand complex legal concepts.
  • Interactive Tutoring Sessions: Participate in expert-led discussions and Q&A sessions for a deeper understanding.
  • Custom-Designed Flashcards: Utilise flashcards for efficient revision and retention of key trust principles.

Day 4-7: In-Depth Wills Study
Explore the intricacies of Wills, including Validity, Alteration, Amendments, and Revocation. Understand the nuances of Interpretation, including property passing outside and under a Will, and delve into the Intestacy Rules. Learn about the role of Personal Representatives and the Grant of Representation, along with their protection against liability. Conclude with a study of Family Provision Claims and Post Death Deed of Variation. Enhance your learning with:

  • Extensive Resource Library: Access a wide range of resources, including legal texts, case law, and academic papers.
  • Personalised Feedback and Support: Receive individualised guidance and clarification from our team of experts.

Week 5's focus on Trusts and Wills aims to provide you with a thorough theoretical and practical understanding, essential for the SQE1 exam.

Join the program for only £79

Weeks 7 & 8: Intensive Mock Exams and Real Exam Condition Training

Comprehensive Mock Exam Series
Step into the final phase of your preparation with a series of intensive mock exams. These are designed to mirror the actual SQE1 in format, difficulty, and scope, covering all topics studied in the previous weeks. Experience the real exam atmosphere with:

  • Timed Mock Exams: Simulate the real SQE1 exam experience with strictly timed mock tests.
  • Diverse Question Sets: Face a wide range of questions that reflect the depth and breadth of the SQE1 syllabus.
  • Realistic Exam Conditions: Take exams in an environment that closely replicates the actual exam setting.

Targeted Review Sessions
After each mock exam, participate in targeted review sessions. These sessions are aimed at:

  • Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses: Analyze your performance to pinpoint areas needing improvement.
  • Clarifying Doubts: Address specific queries and confusions with expert tutors.
  • Reinforcing Knowledge: Solidify your understanding of key concepts and principles.

Final Preparatory Guidance
In the final days leading up to the SQE1 exam, receive personalized guidance and tips to boost your confidence and readiness. Our team will provide:

  • Strategic Exam Tips: Learn effective strategies for time management, question analysis, and answer precision.
  • Stress Management Techniques: Gain insights on how to stay calm and focused under exam conditions.
  • Final Review Materials: Access concise summary notes and quick-reference guides for last-minute revision.

These final weeks are crucial in solidifying your readiness for the SQE1 exam. Our comprehensive mock exams and expert-led review sessions are designed to ensure you enter the exam room fully prepared and confident.

Join the program for only £79

Final Step

Final Day: Rest, Review, and Reassurance

Guided Last-Minute Review
On the eve of your exam, we encourage a balanced approach. Engage in a guided, concise review session to reinforce key concepts and ensure clarity. This session will be structured to maximize efficiency while minimizing stress, featuring:

  • Quick-Reference Study Aids: Utilize our specially designed summary notes and flashcards for a rapid recap of essential topics.
  • Focused Q&A Time: Have your last-minute questions answered promptly by our expert tutors.

Relaxation and Mindset Preparation
Recognizing the importance of mental well-being, we advocate for relaxation and positive thinking. We provide:

  • Stress-Relief Techniques: Learn and practice relaxation methods to maintain calmness and focus.
  • Motivational Session: Join our motivational talk to boost your confidence and reinforce a positive mindset.

Final Words of Encouragement
As you prepare to take this significant step, we remind you of your hard work and dedication throughout this journey. We believe in your preparedness and potential for success. Remember, what is done is done, and now is the time to trust in your abilities and the extensive preparation you have undergone. We are confident you are ready to excel in your SQE1 exam.

Good luck, and go forth with confidence!

Join the program for only £79

In a Nutshell: 8-Week Intensive SQE1 Exam Prep Program: A Comprehensive Journey to Success

Week 1: Contract and Business Law

Focus on key concepts through interactive MCQs, tutoring sessions, and flashcards.

Week 2: Tort and Dispute Resolution

Dive deep with case studies, simulations, and expert Q&A sessions.

Week 3: Land Law and Property Practice

Explore through targeted MCQs, practical case scenarios, and interactive workshops.

Week 4: Criminal Law and Practice

Delve into complex areas with case studies, mock trials, and comprehensive resource access.

Week 5: Trust and Wills

Master these topics using simulations, extensive resource libraries, and personalized feedback.

Weeks 6: Legal System and Solicitors Accounts

Dive deep with live tutor sessions and expert Q&A sessions.

Weeks 7 & 8: Mock Exams and Exam Condition Training

Engage in full mock exams, rigorous review sessions, and strategic exam tips.

Final Day: Review and Relaxation

Balance last-minute review with stress-relief techniques and motivational support.

Program Highlights:

  • In-depth coverage of essential legal topics.
  • Diverse learning tools: MCQs, flashcards, case studies, and mock trials.
  • Personalized support and expert-led tutoring.
  • Focus on both theoretical knowledge and practical application.
  • Intensive final phase with mock exams and real exam condition training.
  • Emphasis on mental well-being and positivity before the exam.

This program is meticulously designed to ensure comprehensive preparation for the SQE1 exam, emphasizing both in-depth study and practical skills, complemented by mental preparedness and positive mindset.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find your answers here. if you don’t find it here, please contact us

How does the program prepare students for the practical aspects of the SQE1 exam?
What strategies are taught for effective time management in the SQE1 exam?
How do the interactive tutoring sessions work in the SQE1 exam prep?
Are there any specific study materials for difficult SQE1 subjects like Trust Law or Criminal Practice?
Can I receive personalised support during the SQE1 prep course?
What kind of mock exams are provided in the SQE1 revision course?
How does the FQPS SQE1 prep program help with last-minute studies?
What is included in your 8-week SQE1 exam preparation program?

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