SQE2 Results 2023: A Comprehensive Analysis of Pass Rates and Trends

May 29, 2024
Reading Time
6 Mins

SQE2 Results 2023: An Overview

The SQE2 results 2023 are anticipated to shed light on the performance of candidates in various sittings. The table below gives a glimpse of the number of candidates, the pass mark, and the pass rate for each sitting, as well as the overall pass rate.


Sitting 1

Sitting 2

Sitting 3







Pass Mark





Pass Rate





As we analyse the SQE 2 results, it is essential to note that mean scores and pass rates are not reported for groups with fewer than 10 candidates. Now, let's delve deeper into the demographic data from the SQE 2 results.

SQE2 Pass Rate 2023: A Detailed Analysis

Ethnic Group Performance in SQE2

The SQE 2 results have shown a significant variation in pass rates among different ethnic groups. Here's a detailed breakdown:

  • Asian / Asian British: This group constituted 32% of the candidates, with a mean score of 66% and a pass rate of 67%.
  • Black / Black British: Representing 7% of the candidates, this group had a mean score of 62% and a pass rate of 53%.
  • Mixed / Multiple Ethnic Groups: Comprising 4% of the candidates, they achieved a mean score of 67% and a remarkable pass rate of 75%.
  • Other Ethnic Group: This group represented 9% of the candidates, securing a mean score of 66% and a pass rate of 73%.
  • White: This group was the largest, constituting 38% of the candidates, with a mean score of 68% and a pass rate of 74%.
  • Prefer Not to Say: This category had a 10% representation with a mean score of 69% and a leading pass rate of 79%.

Gender and Age Category Insights from SQE2 Results

The SQE2 results also offer a comprehensive view of the performance across different genders and age categories. Here's a closer look:

  • Female Candidates: Representing 59% of the candidates, females achieved a mean score of 67% and a pass rate of 73%.
  • Male Candidates: Making up 36% of the candidates, males had a mean score of 66% and a pass rate of 66%.

In terms of age categories, the 25-34 age group dominated with a 58% representation and a commendable pass rate of 77%. The detailed analysis of other age categories reveals the following trends:

  • 16 - 24 Age Group: This group had a mean score of 66% and a pass rate of 78%.
  • 25 - 34 Age Group: Dominating with a 58% representation, this group achieved a mean score of 69% and a pass rate of 77%.
  • 35 - 44 Age Group: Constituting 25% of the candidates, this group had a mean score of 65% and a pass rate of 65%.
  • 45 - 54 Age Group: This group represented 8% of the candidates, securing a mean score of 61% and a pass rate of 48%.
  • 55 - 64 Age Group: This smaller group had a 2% representation with a mean score of 54% and a pass rate of 30%.
  • Prefer Not to Say: This category had a 3% representation, with a mean score of 67% and a pass rate of 71%.

SQE2 Sitting Results: A Closer Look at Educational Background

The SQE2 sitting results offer a rich insight into the educational background of the candidates, painting a vivid picture of the diverse pool of individuals taking the exam. Here's a detailed breakdown:

Undergraduate Degree Holders

A significant portion of the candidates, 87%, held at least an undergraduate degree. This group showcased a mean score of 67% and a pass rate of 72%, indicating a strong performance from individuals with a solid educational foundation.

Qualifications Below Degree Level

This group represented a small fraction of the candidates, and due to the small sample size, the pass rate and mean score were not reported. However, it's important to note that the SQE2 is accessible to individuals with various educational backgrounds, allowing for a diverse range of candidates to participate.

Not Applicable

Interestingly, there was a segment of candidates, accounting for 5% of the total, where the highest level of education was marked as not applicable. This group had a mean score of 59% and a pass rate of 49%, which suggests that they faced a more challenging time compared to degree holders.

Prefer Not to Say

A portion of the candidates, 7%, preferred not to disclose their highest level of education. This group managed to secure a mean score of 66% and a pass rate of 67%, showcasing a commendable performance despite the lack of data on their educational background.

Undergraduate Degree Classification

When we delve deeper into the undergraduate degree classifications, we find a diverse range of academic achievements:

  • First Class (1st): This group, constituting 13% of the candidates, exhibited an excellent performance with a mean score of 74% and a high pass rate of 90%.
  • Upper Second Class (2:1): Representing a significant 35% of the candidates, this group achieved a mean score of 68% and a pass rate of 77%.
  • Lower Second Class (2:2): This group made up 13% of the candidates, securing a mean score of 62% and a pass rate of 55%.
  • Third Class (3rd): A smaller group with a representation of 1%, the data on pass rate and mean score were not reported due to the small sample size.
  • Commendation: This category, representing 1% of the candidates, did not have reported data on mean score and pass rate.
  • Distinction: Comprising 3% of the candidates, this group showcased a mean score of 70% and a pass rate of 83%.
  • Pass: This group, making up 4% of the candidates, had a mean score of 64% and a pass rate of 52%.
  • Prefer Not to Say: This category, representing 8% of the candidates, had a mean score of 63% and a pass rate of 64%.
  • Not Applicable: Accounting for 22% of the candidates, this group had a mean score of 65% and a pass rate of 64%.

Preparing for Success with SQE2 Past Papers 2023

To enhance your preparation for the SQE2, accessing past papers can be a game-changer. The SQE2 past papers 2023 are expected to be a valuable resource for candidates looking to understand the exam pattern and the type of questions that are asked. Stay tuned as we bring you more updates on the availability of SQE2 past papers 2023.


As the SQE2 results date approaches, candidates are keen to understand the trends and pass rates. Our detailed analysis of the SQE2 results for February 2023 and other sittings aims to provide you with a comprehensive view of the performance trends and demographic insights. Stay tuned for more updates as we bring you the latest information on SQE2 results, including insights from SQE2 past papers 2023 to help you prepare for success.

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