Register SQE1 2024: Aspiring Lawyers Scramble for SRA SQE1 Slots

June 10, 2024
Reading Time
6 Mins

In light of recent developments, numerous students have voiced their discontent regarding the online queue system implemented for securing an assessment slot for the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE).

The hurdles surfaced as aspiring lawyers flocked to the online booking platform, with some SQE sessions opening for applications at 10am today.

However, the reality didn't meet expectations as various students found themselves stuck in a digital limbo for over three hours, struggling to secure their exam slots. Among them, a prospective trainee solicitor shared their ordeal of logging into the system right at 10am, only to find themselves still waiting in the queue at the time of sharing their story.

They described the situation as highly stressful, lamenting the lack of movement in the queue which rendered focusing on other tasks nearly impossible.

On social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, other students echoed similar grievances. One distressed student mentioned the queue system crashing as individuals approached the front, forcing them to restart the process. This, as they pointed out, showcased a level of disorganization that added to the frustration.

Another shared their experience in a WhatsApp group comprising around 30 individuals, all endeavoring to book their SQE exams.

“Am in a WhatsApp group with around 30 people all trying to book the SQE exams. We’re all either still waiting — now 1hr40 mins — or ineligible to book for pre-booking steps issue. We all work full time in paralegal/casework roles. This is a nightmare.”

The common sentiment was a blend of exasperation and despair as they found themselves either continuously waiting or faced with a pre-booking steps issue, despite holding full-time positions in paralegal or casework roles.

The challenges surrounding SQE booking are not new. In 2022, reports highlighted the plight of solicitor hopefuls facing up to two-hour delays post login, as they navigated the virtual queue.

In response to the recent debacle, a representative from Kaplan assured that the glitches in the SQE1 assessment booking process have been ironed out.

⁠“We have experienced problems with the booking process for the SQE1 assessment which have now been resolved. We can reassure candidates that capacity is widely available and the booking window will remain open until 15 November. Throughout the booking process, seats will be added where extra capacity is available. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused.”

They emphasized that there's ample capacity, with the booking window slated to remain open until November 15. Additionally, they mentioned that extra seats would be made available during the booking phase to accommodate the demand, extending an apology for the inconvenience triggered by the technical hitches.

As a follow-up, at 14:20pm, the SRA disseminated a message on platform X addressing the situation, indicating a continued dialogue between the concerned parties to mitigate such issues in the future.

We're aware some candidates had difficulties with the SQE1 booking system earlier today. We've worked with Kaplan, the SQE assessment provider, to understand the cause of the issues. You should now be able to book your place. We are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.
Screenshot 2023-10-04 at 19.27.54.png

See the orginal tweet :

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