Is 3 Months Enough to Prepare for the SQE1?

September 18, 2024
Reading Time
6 Mins

Preparing for the Solicitors Qualifying Examination Part 1 (SQE1) is a significant challenge for aspiring solicitors in England and Wales. Given the exam's rigorous nature, it’s essential to approach it with a structured and effective study plan. One common question students ask is: “Is 3 months enough to prepare for SQE1?” While the answer depends on several factors, it is possible to succeed with dedicated, intensive study over three months. In this article, we will explore the key aspects to consider when planning a 3-month preparation for SQE1, as well as advice for maximising your chances of passing.

What Is SQE1?

Before diving into preparation strategies, it's crucial to understand what SQE1 entails. SQE1 is the first stage of the SQE, which is required for individuals wishing to qualify as solicitors in England and Wales. It primarily tests functional legal knowledge (FLK), focusing on key subjects such as Contract Law, Tort, Property Law, and more. The assessment consists of two multiple-choice question papers, each containing 180 questions, which test your ability to apply your legal knowledge in practical scenarios.

With this in mind, SQE1 preparation demands both breadth and depth in your understanding of legal principles.

Can You Prepare for SQE1 in 3 Months?

The answer to whether 3 months is enough time to prepare for SQE1 depends largely on your prior legal knowledge, experience, and available study time. Here, we’ll look at three common profiles of candidates and assess how realistic it is for each of them to succeed with a 3-month preparation plan.

1. The Recent Law Graduate


A recent law graduate will typically have completed a law degree (LLB) or Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) within the last year. They are likely to be familiar with UK law and have been recently exposed to the core areas that form the foundation of the SQE1 exam, such as Contract Law, Tort Law, Criminal Law, and Property Law.

Can They Prepare in 3 Months?

For a recent law graduate, preparing for SQE1 in 3 months is certainly achievable. Their advantage lies in the fact that much of the content covered in the exam is material they have already studied, potentially in depth, over several years.

Key Considerations for Recent Graduates:

  • Familiarity with Core Subjects: Having just completed a law degree or GDL, the foundational legal knowledge required for SQE1 will still be fresh in their minds. This will significantly reduce the amount of time needed to review core legal concepts.
  • Adapting to the Exam Format: Although the content may be familiar, the SQE1 format is unique. Graduates will need to shift their focus from essay-based examinations to the multiple-choice format of the SQE1, which assesses practical application rather than theoretical understanding alone. Therefore, they should dedicate substantial time to practising multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to become familiar with the exam structure.
  • Time Commitment: A recent graduate, especially one who can dedicate full-time study hours (25-40 hours per week), stands a strong chance of completing preparation in 3 months. However, balancing part-time work or other commitments could make this timeframe more challenging.

Suggested Strategy

  • Refine Exam Techniques: Focus on mastering multiple-choice question (MCQ) techniques, particularly under time constraints. SQE1 requires not only knowing the law but also applying it quickly and efficiently. Time management is critical, so regularly practice answering questions within the allotted time for each section.
  • Extensive Use of Mock Exams: Incorporate a high volume of practice exams and mock tests into your preparation. These help you simulate real exam conditions, identify weaknesses, and adapt your approach to different types of questions. Review your incorrect answers carefully and understand why certain choices were wrong to avoid repeating mistakes.
  • Prioritise Niche Subjects: Focus on less frequently covered areas that many students might overlook, such as Solicitor Accounts, Tax Law, and Ethics. These are often areas where students lose marks, but they can give you an edge if well-prepared. Developing expertise in these subjects can boost your overall score.
SQE1 Preparation - Suggested Strategy Recent Law Graduate

2. The Foreign-Qualified Lawyer


The most common mistake for foreign-qualified lawyers is to underestimate the need for extensive revision. A foreign-qualified lawyer, such as someone practising in a jurisdiction outside the UK, may already have several years of legal experience. However, their knowledge of English law may be limited or outdated, and they will need to adapt to the specific requirements of SQE1. Many of these candidates will have practised in common law jurisdictions, while others may come from civil law systems, making their preparation needs highly variable.

Can They Prepare in 3 Months?

Foreign-qualified lawyers can prepare for SQE1 in 3 months, but the difficulty will depend on their existing familiarity with English law. Those from common law jurisdictions (e.g., Australia, Canada) will find it easier, whereas lawyers from civil law countries (e.g., France, Germany) may need to spend more time familiarising themselves with the distinct aspects of English common law.

Key Considerations for Foreign-Qualified Lawyers:

  • Need for Thorough Revision: The most common mistake for foreign-qualified lawyers is to underestimate the need for extensive revision. Despite their legal experience, they must not assume that their existing knowledge is sufficient. English law can differ significantly from other jurisdictions, even within common law systems.
  • Existing Legal Knowledge: While lawyers who have practised in a common law jurisdiction will have a solid understanding of many key principles, such as contract and tort law, they still need to focus on learning the specific applications and nuances of English law. This is particularly crucial for areas like property law, trust law, and criminal law, which can vary significantly between jurisdictions.
  • Familiarity with the Exam Format: Foreign-qualified lawyers may not be accustomed to the multiple-choice format of SQE1, as many other jurisdictions use essay-based or oral examinations. Therefore, they will need to spend considerable time practising MCQs and learning how to manage their time effectively in the exam.
  • Legal Terminology: English legal terminology and procedural law may differ significantly from what foreign lawyers are used to. A substantial portion of the 3-month preparation will need to be devoted to understanding these differences and mastering the specific language used in English law.

Suggested Strategy

  • Focus on areas where English law diverges from their home jurisdiction, such as land law, equity, and criminal procedure.
  • Spend considerable time practising MCQs to familiarise themselves with the format and time constraints.
  • Consider taking an intensive SQE1 course that is specifically tailored for foreign lawyers, such as those offered by FQPS Academy, to streamline their study process.

3. The Paralegal Who Graduated Several Years Ago


This candidate is a paralegal who may have obtained a law degree some time ago but has not pursued further formal legal education. Over the years, they may have gained practical experience in specific legal areas (such as conveyancing or commercial law), but their academic knowledge of other areas may be rusty or outdated.

Can They Prepare in 3 Months?

For a paralegal who graduated several years ago, preparing for SQE1 in 3 months can be more challenging, especially if they have not been involved in the wider areas of law regularly tested in SQE1. However, their practical experience in certain areas could be an advantage, particularly when it comes to applying legal principles in real-life scenarios.

Key Considerations for Paralegals:

  • Outdated Knowledge: Having been out of formal education for several years, a paralegal may find that they need to spend more time revisiting core legal subjects such as Tort, Contract, and Criminal Law, particularly if their day-to-day work has not involved these areas.
  • Practical Experience vs. Exam Knowledge: While their practical experience can give them an edge in applying legal knowledge, SQE1 is an academic exam that requires a detailed understanding of legal principles, which may differ from the more procedural knowledge gained in practice. They will need to review these principles thoroughly.
  • Balancing Work and Study: Paralegals are often employed full-time, and balancing work with study will be one of the biggest challenges they face. A 3-month period may be sufficient if they can dedicate substantial study hours outside of work, but this could lead to fatigue and potential burnout.

Suggested Strategy

  • Identify areas where knowledge is weakest and focus on these first. For many paralegals, this may include subjects like Property Law or Criminal Law.
  • Utilise evenings and weekends efficiently, perhaps breaking study sessions into smaller, manageable blocks of time.
  • Consider part-time courses or flexible online SQE1 courses that fit around a full-time job.

Key Strategies for Preparing for SQE1 in 3 Months

If you're determined to prepare for SQE1 in three months, you'll need a highly structured approach. Here are key strategies that will help you get the most out of your study time:

1. Create a Detailed Study Plan

A detailed study plan is crucial when your time is limited. Break your study into manageable chunks, ensuring you cover all the topics assessed in the SQE1. Allocate time for:

  • Reading and understanding legal principles
  • Practising multiple-choice questions (MCQs)
  • Reviewing explanations for incorrect answers
  • Revising high-priority subjects in the final weeks

Your study plan should also include rest days and allow for flexibility, as it's inevitable that some topics will take longer to grasp than others.

2. Prioritise High-Impact Areas

SQE1 tests a vast array of legal topics, but not all areas are equal in terms of their weight in the exam. Some subjects, such as Tort, Contract, and Property Law, tend to feature more heavily in the assessments. Prioritise these subjects early in your study plan to ensure you have a solid grasp of the most important material.

Additionally, focus on practicing the specific skills required for the multiple-choice questions. SQE1 does not just test knowledge but your ability to apply that knowledge in practical scenarios. The more you practise MCQs, the more you will improve your critical thinking and analytical skills.

3. Take an Intensive SQE1 Course

If you’re aiming to prepare in 3 months, enrolling in a comprehensive SQE1 course is a wise decision. These courses are designed to provide structure and ensure that you cover all the necessary topics in a streamlined manner. An intensive course will also provide access to practice questions, detailed feedback, and revision materials. FQPS Academy offers such courses, which have been proven to help students with limited time.

4. Make Use of Practice Questions and Mock Exams

SQE1 preparation is not just about reading and memorising legal concepts; you must also practice how to apply them in exam conditions. The best way to do this is through practice questions and mock exams. Attempt as many mock tests as possible, simulating the real exam environment.

Regular practice will not only help you improve your speed but also familiarise you with the exam’s style and format. Review each answer, paying close attention to where you went wrong, and learn from your mistakes.

5. Consistency and Time Management

Preparing for SQE1 in 3 months requires relentless consistency. You cannot afford to take extended breaks or procrastinate on difficult topics. Sticking to your study plan and maintaining a consistent schedule will be key to success.

Time management is also crucial during this period. Divide your time wisely between different subjects, practice sessions, and revision. Avoid spending too much time on topics you are already familiar with and focus on weaker areas where you need the most improvement.

Download our guides and resources to help you organise your your SQE1 Preparation.

Challenges You Might Face During a 3-Month SQE1 Preparation

Even with the most carefully crafted study plan, preparing for SQE1 in 3 months comes with challenges:

  1. Information Overload: The breadth of material covered in SQE1 can be overwhelming, particularly if you're under a tight deadline. It's easy to feel like you’re not retaining enough information or that you won’t be able to recall key details during the exam.
  2. Fatigue and Burnout: Studying intensively for 3 months can lead to mental and physical exhaustion. It's important to balance your study time with regular breaks, proper sleep, and physical activity to avoid burnout.
  3. Self-Doubt: You may question whether you're adequately prepared, especially when faced with difficult practice questions. This is natural, but the key is to keep going, trust in your study plan, and continuously review and revise.

Can You Pass SQE1 in 3 Months?

The short answer is yes – but it depends heavily on how efficiently you use your time, your existing knowledge of the law, and the quality of your preparation materials. For those with prior legal experience or a law degree, a 3-month preparation is more realistic, provided you commit to a rigorous study schedule.

On the other hand, if you're new to the legal field or have limited time available for studying each day, you may find a 3-month period insufficient. In this case, you might consider extending your preparation to six months or exploring part-time study options to ensure you're fully prepared.

Preparing for the SQE1 in 3 months is undoubtedly a challenge, but it’s achievable with the right approach. A detailed study plan, prioritisation of key topics, consistent practice, and enrolling in an intensive SQE1 course like those offered by FQPS Academy can help you make the most of your time. Remember that preparation is not just about memorising legal knowledge; it’s about developing the ability to apply that knowledge in practical, real-world scenarios.

Regardless of how long you have to prepare, the key to passing SQE1 is focus, determination, and a strategic approach to your studies.


Can I pass SQE1 without prior legal education?
Yes, it's possible, but it will require more time and effort. If you do not have a legal background, consider extending your study period beyond 3 months to ensure you can cover all the material thoroughly.

How many hours should I study per week for SQE1 preparation?
For a 3-month preparation period, aim to study between 25-40 hours per week. The more time you can dedicate, the better prepared you'll be for the exam.

What is the best way to study for SQE1?
The best way to study for SQE1 is to combine reading legal materials with practicing MCQs and taking mock exams. Enrolling in an SQE1 course will also provide structured learning and access to invaluable resources.

Are mock exams important for SQE1?
Absolutely. Mock exams simulate the real exam environment and help you assess your readiness. They also provide a great opportunity to identify areas that need further revision.

How should I manage my time during SQE1 preparation?
Time management is crucial. Divide your study time between different subjects, focusing on your weaker areas. Stick to your study schedule, take regular breaks, and avoid cramming close to the exam day.

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