How I Passed SQE1 with Self-Study? Meet Erica

August 22, 2024
Reading Time
6 Mins

Preparing for the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE1) has been one of the most intense and challenging experiences of my life. As a full-time legal secretary juggling a demanding job with limited time and resources, the stakes felt particularly high—I only had one shot at passing due to the significant financial cost involved. I knew I needed to make every hour of study count.

Choosing the Right Path: Self-Study or Prep Course?

The SQE1 exam covers a vast range of topics, from criminal law and contract law to constitutional and administrative law. Given this broad scope, I was faced with a difficult decision: Should I attempt to prepare for the SQE1 on my own, or should I invest in a prep course?

Initially, I considered self-study. I’ve always been quite self-motivated and felt confident in my ability to organise my learning. But as I delved deeper into the requirements of the SQE1, I began to realise the enormity of the task. The lack of structured guidance was daunting. Despite this, the cost of prep courses was a serious concern. As someone working in a junior legal role, the financial burden of both the exam fees and a course was overwhelming.

That’s when I stumbled upon FQPS Academy. I figured, “Hey, it’s flexible, affordable, and if it doesn’t work out, I can always cancel after the first month.” It was “just” £129, which felt like a safe bet, especially compared to the other providers charging £2,900+—with no option to cancel if I didn’t like it! Let’s be real, I didn’t have that kind of budget, so I thought, why not? It’s not like I’m signing my life away. I was hoping FQPS would strike the right balance between giving me the freedom to study at my own pace and providing the structured support I desperately needed.

Overcoming the Difficulties of SQE1 Self-Study

Time management

One of the first challenges I encountered was time management. Working as a legal secretary, my days were busy and unpredictable. There were weeks when I could dedicate several hours to study, and then others where I barely had time to glance at my notes. I realised early on that without a concrete plan, I would struggle to keep up.

FQPS Academy provided me with a clear roadmap for my studies, broken down into manageable chunks. This allowed me to make progress even on days when I felt overwhelmed by my job. They gave me a timeline that outlined when and what to study, which helped me stay on track, no matter how busy my schedule became.

Another major obstacle was understanding the sheer breadth of the material. SQE1 covers a wild range of topics, and I had to figure out which ones to really drill down on. Some subjects, like criminal law, were already in my wheelhouse from working as a legal secretary. But others, like tax law and ethics? Let’s just say they felt like a different planet.


I even bought the University of Law books. I debated getting the Revise SQE ones, but realised they were pretty much a vague copy of the University of Law books, just with fewer details. The thing about the University of Law manuals is they are so thorough—they explain everything from the ground up, which is great... except it’s also a nightmare. They cover more than what’s in the SRA syllabus, and let's be honest, it’s already hard enough without adding extra info that I probably didn’t need to know. No thanks!

That’s when I started using FQPS Academy’s Revision Cards, and honestly, they were a lifesaver. They’re the perfect middle ground—they explain concepts clearly but stick to what’s actually inside the SRA syllabus (which is exactly what you need!). I loved their colour-coded highlights and the fact that I could even print out the trickier topics (Solicitors’ Accounts, I’m looking at you).

So, would I recommend the FQPS Revision Cards? Absolutely. They’re complete and give you all the knowledge you need without drowning you in unnecessary details. The three study modes and mind maps for last-minute revision? Total time-savers. But if you’re not that familiar with UK law, I’d still suggest picking up the University of Law manuals—they’ll give you that extra bit of context you might need.

I also encountered the classic issue of motivation. Some days, after a long shift, the last thing I wanted to do was open a law textbook. At times, I felt discouraged and overwhelmed, especially when I compared myself to full-time students with more flexible schedules.

It was helpful to remember that self-study isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress. When I felt low, I’d remind myself of how far I had come and how much closer I was to my goal. FQPS Academy also had an online community of students who shared similar experiences. Being able to engage with others who were on the same path really helped keep my spirits up.

The Role of FQPS Academy in My Success

FQPS Academy’s support was crucial in helping me tackle the hardest part of self-study—finding structure. They provided more than just materials; they gave me guidance that made me feel less alone in the process. Whenever I felt lost, I could reach out to tutors for clarity, and their practice exams were essential in boosting my confidence.

Moreover, the personalised feedback was a game-changer. FQPS Academy wasn’t just giving me general advice—they provided tailored comments on my answers, helping me identify specific areas for improvement. This made my study sessions more targeted and effective.

On top of that, their platform was accessible wherever I was—on the train, during lunch breaks, or late at night after work. This flexibility was essential for someone in my position.

Exam Day and Reflections

As the exam day approached, I felt a mixture of nerves and excitement. Thanks to the SQE1 mock exams and the timed practice questions provided by FQPS Academy, I felt more prepared than I expected to be. I was familiar with the format of the exam and had honed my time management skills through practice.

On the day of the SQE1, I trusted in the work I had put in and followed the strategies I had learned. Walking out of the exam hall, I felt a sense of relief and pride. It wasn’t easy, but with FQPS Academy’s support and my determination, I had given it my best shot.

When the results came in, I was overjoyed—I had passed! The weight of the months of preparation, the hours of study, and the juggling of work and exams had finally paid off. The experience was intense, but it showed me that self-study with the right guidance is entirely possible, even in challenging circumstances.


The journey to passing SQE1 wasn’t smooth, but it was worth every moment. If I could offer one piece of advice to anyone considering self-study for the SQE1, it would be to find the right support system. Self-study can be a rewarding experience, but having the guidance and resources provided by FQPS Academy made all the difference. Their structured approach, comprehensive materials, and personalised feedback gave me the confidence I needed to succeed.

For those in a similar position—whether you’re working full-time, dealing with financial constraints, or simply feeling overwhelmed by the scale of the SQE1—don’t hesitate to look for support. FQPS Academy helped me achieve my dream of passing the SQE1, and I’m confident they can do the same for others.


1. Is it possible to pass SQE1 through self-study?
Yes, passing SQE1 through self-study is possible, but it can be challenging without structured guidance. Finding the right resources, such as those provided by FQPS Academy, can make self-study more effective and manageable.

2. How did you manage your time while working full-time and studying for SQE1?
Time management was one of the hardest parts of the process. Having a detailed study plan from FQPS Academy helped me break down my preparation into smaller tasks, making it easier to balance work and study.

3. Why did you choose FQPS Academy for your SQE1 preparation?
I chose FQPS Academy because they offered a flexible and affordable way to study for SQE1 while providing the structure and support I needed. Their materials, practice questions, and personalised feedback were invaluable throughout my preparation.

4. What was the most difficult part of preparing for SQE1?
The sheer breadth of material covered in SQE1 was overwhelming at times. Knowing where to focus and how to break down the topics was a challenge, but FQPS Academy’s guidance helped me navigate this effectively.

With the right resources, determination, and a good support system, even the most daunting exams can be tackled successfully. I’m glad I made the choice to self-study with the help of FQPS Academy.

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